Mini Pastry Pizzas

So it’s not strictly baking, but these mini ‘pizzas’ are fab for kids as you can let them choose their own toppings and they’re easy enough for the kids to help you out. A popular choice at birthday parties and sleepovers! Alternatively, you can make a larger version and serve with a salad for a easy weekend lunch.

Mini pastry pizzas


A pack of ready-to-roll, (or ready-rolled) puff pastry

Small pack of tomato passata

Tomato puree


Toppings of your choosing (olives, cherry tomatoes, sundried tomatoes, onion, ham, pineapple, mushrooms, pepperoni – the list is endless!)

Fresh herbs – I like to pick some oregano and basil from the garden, (or from the freezer in the winter) but dried herbs are an easy substitute.


1. Roll out your pastry (if not already rolled) to a thickness of around 0.5 – 1cm. Cut into small squares approximately 10 x 10cm. Using a knife, gently score a square into the pastry, leaving a margin of approximately 1cm around the edge. Using a fork, gently prick several times within the scored square – this will prevent the pastry from rising.

2. Depending on how many pizzas you’re making, mix some passata with the tomato puree. (If you’re having ‘grown-‘up pizzas, you may like to heat some chopped garlic in some olive oil and stir the sauce into the pan.)

3. Prepare your selected ingredients – tear the mozzarella into small chunks and the ham into small pieces, cut olives into slices, drain sundried tomatoes from their oil etc.

4. Spoon the tomato sauce onto each base and spread around using the back of the spoon being careful to keep within the inner square perimeter.

5. Place a couple of chunks of mozzarella onto each base and add whichever toppings you want. (By putting the mozzarella on first, you won’t overcook the cheese, and you’ll also be able to see the toppings more clearly so they’ll be no confusion over pizzas!) Don’t forget to also add your herbs. I abolsutely love oregano and put it on everything!

6. Place in an oven at 180C until the mozzarella has melted and the pastry has puffed around the edges.

7. Enjoy with a leafy green salad!

If you’re stuck for topping ideas here are a few of my favourite.

1. Cooked spinach, goat’s cheese, oregano and caramelised onion chutney.

2. Tuna, anchovy and olives.

3. Mozzarella, cherry tomatoes and basil.

4. Ham, anchovy and tinned artichokes.

5. Tuna, egg and boiled new potato slices.

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